Gospel night is our “Singspiration”. An evening of inspiration, love and warmth. Gospel, praise & worship music performed by Suzanne, Darell and The MMJ Band with a variety of entertainers that travel near and far to be a part of this beautiful night. A night for you to relax, be inspired and escape all the madness around us. Music is an avenue that can sometimes reach hearts where nothing else can. It may be just what you need. We hope you will attend. Bring a friend or two. Invite people from your church, your neighborhood. A fun night for the whole family renewing hope.
Bring me your tired, your sick, your poor and I will feed them and give them comfort. The motto we carry here at Morgan’s Music Junction through Gospel Singspiration once a month. Not Just for the Night, but we try to remember it from day to day by the choices we make in what we do here. Why we exist as a Music Venue. The things we say to people on a daily basis can affect them for the rest of their lives. Kindness is a gift we can give to people every day.
FAITH OVER FEAR. Not just words, but a lifestyle. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son. That whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life.
Reservation Tickets: $15
Tickets @ Doors: $20
Doors: 6 p.m. Showtime: 7 p.m.